Shipping Policy

When placing an order with Lick Me Lingerie, please include correct shipping address, full name, apt number and zip code. Allow for 3-5 days for processing and to receive tracking information, however your order/s can be mailed out before that time in some cases. To prevent delays in shipping, verify all of your information before submitting your order. Lick Me Lingerie WILL NOT take Accountability for customers error in reference to incorrect shipping information etc. All sales are final, however if merchandise is lost/stolen, a partial refund can be made. You will need to provide me your full name, order number and proof of package/s not delivered sent to our email address provided below. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response to your issue. Lick Me Lingerie values all of our customers concerns dearly and will do our best to assist you in any way. If there is any technically difficulties on your end while placing an order, feel free to contact us at the email provided below explaining in full detail, your issue.  Thank you for shopping with us :))))))


Email: [email protected]